Documentary Photo: My World in Eight
I’m not only a student; I’m a daughter, girlfriend, and friend. Being a student takes up the majority of my time and energy, yet my family and friends are still the most important aspect of my life. They are my support system. I’ve always maintained a wonderful, close relationship with my family. I decided to photograph the people and places that mean the most to me, on the weekend of February 16-18th.
My home. I've lived in Middlesex, New Jersey my whole life. It's a quiet, middle-class town. Though I live in Philadelphia on a daily basis, home is really where my heart is.

This is my family's dining room. It is my favorite and in my opinion, most beautiful room in the house. A lot of wonderful memories and family dinners have taken place inside these walls.

This is my mother, Doreen. Not only is she a wonderful mother, but a wonderful friend. When she saw me taking photos around the house she made this priceless face for my camera.

This is my hard-working, smart father, Kevin. Sometimes the dining room table becomes his office desk on the weekends. Whenever I need advice he's always there, with all the answers.

My boyfriend Alan and I have been together for almost four years. He is the funniest, most unique person I have ever met. Music is his life. Since we live almost 2 hours away from one another, distance only makes the heart grow fonder. He was so eager to show off his new tattoo when he came over my house.

Amy has been my best friend since middle school. We actually met in the school’s concert band. She still plays the piano when she visits my house. Even though she goes to college at St. John’s University we still see each other on the weekends and over breaks.

Meet my best animal friend, my (large) cat Amber. She thinks she's the queen of the household, but I still love her. My family adopted her when she was a kitten. She is 7 years-old now and doesn’t like me very much, especially when I stick my camera in her face during her many naptimes.

I love to love. When I'm surrounded by my loved ones, I feel very colorful. When they are not, a good color to describe my mood would be grey. Usually I am a very shy person around people I just meet. I never like looking at photos of myself, and my boyfriend told me that I'm the most un-photogenic person he’s ever known.