Photojournalism Week 8
Flying Short Course
Students received feedback from professional photographers during portfolio reviews at the Flying Short Course held at Temple University on Friday, October 20, 2006.

Photoj Publication Editorials
“Good Morning”
Every morning as I leave my apartment building, this is what I see. I know I don’t have much room to complain because I knew what comes along with going to college in a city. I knew there would be pollution, but to see this everyday is unnerving. The mortality rate in Philadelphia has increased due to the daily pollution intake which we all breathe in each and every day. Just because I live in a city does not mean that the air I breathe should constantly be flooded with black smoke.

“The Roles We Play”
Women are homemakers, men go out and work. Though these gender portrayals have changed in our society throughout the years, each gender is still assigned roles. This mural on 13th and Wallace Streets, shows that men play the role in sports. Derek Jeter is a household name, but so is Serena Williams. In this case, why couldn’t a girl be holding the basketball? Even though this is just a mural, every decision affects society’s larger views.

We are a nation living in fear. After September 11, 2001 our world changed dramatically. For a brief time no liquids were allowed on airplanes. There have been six school shootings in this country since September 2006. We are currently fighting in what seems to be a never-ending war. Unfortunately, it’s the youth that suffers. The mural painted on the side of Benjamin Franklin High School, located on the corner of Broad and Green Streets, speaks for my feelings of the unstable balance in which we are living in. Students should not be fearful to go school. People should not be scared to fly on an airplane. I should not be scared to walk by myself at night- but I am.

Is it just me, or do others notice the sheer laziness of our country? When I saw this mess on the corner of 15th and Market Streets, across from City Hall, the situation was borderline humorous. Honestly, how hard and how much effort does it take to put your garbage in a trash can that is literally a foot away? I guess just too much. Are we all blind to the long-term effects? In a society in which we are so lazy that I’ve seen people use the automatic handicap doors, instead of actually using energy to open the door themselves- it’s not a surprise. If we all weren’t so lazy, we’d be doing some good for the environment.

Villanova football head coach Andy Talley, gives a pep talk to his players as they trailed Towson during the final quarter on Saturday, October 21, 2006.

Villanova Wildcat Sophomore, Tony Canci, kneels on the sideline during Saturday's homecoming defeat to Towson.

Fall was in the air on Saturday, October 21, 2006 at the Villanova homecoming football game. Even the cameramen bundled up, as the temperature reached a chilly 59 degrees.

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